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Best Cloud VPS for Discord Bots ????


In recent years, Discord hsa become one of the most popular communication applications in the world. Discord’s unique approach to creating servers that allow users to openly communicate in both text and voice formats, coupled by its advanced access level determination system has made it a very popular program with gamers, but also in general. There are many different servers on the program spanning subjects like politics, arts, musi, video games, etc.

Discord also allows the integration of many  different bots that can help with different aspects of running a server. For example bots are added to servers to moderate texts, to assign levels to users, to play music and other media in voice chats, etc. But these bots need to be hosted somewhere first.


Now let’s say you want to host your own discord bot. What’s the best option then? Well, once you have created the bot and want to host it, you need to find reliable hosting. For this purpose, Cloudzy’s advanced Cloud VPS is more than capable. It features more than 15 locations around the world, which ensures low latency. It has ironclad security making sure you are not compromised, and the cloud infrastructure itself will never go down, offering a 100% uptime for your bot! But Should you try a free option instead?

1- Free Hosting vs Paid: Which One Should I Choose

Now let’s talk if free hosting options are any match against the paid ones. Generally, I would advise against hosting anything on free hosting platforms. And the reasoning here is clear. They are free at the expense of reliable tech support, potentially excessive downtimes, and even compromised security. However since hosting a Discord bot does not involve personal sensitive data and probably won’t affect your livelihood in case of a breach.

Another major obstacle of free hosting is the fact that you usually get a very small amount of bandwidth to host whatever it is you want to host. But since a single Discord bot is not  going to be all that large in size, then free hosting again becomes a candidate. So with that said, overall, you can host a Discord bot on a free hosting platform without much risk and downsides.

2- Best Free Hosting Options

Now that we have established the fact that you can host a Discord bot on free hosting services, I will introduce you to the three such options that I think will perform the best for you in 2023.


Sporting a rather straightforward name, this offers the chance for you to host your bots not just for Discord but in general. It allows multiple instances of Discord bot hosting for free. The website guarantees a 100% uptime for your Discord bot, which is quite rare even in advanced paid hosting platforms. The website also features a blog to help you find your way around common issues.


Heroku is the only completely free Discord bot hosting service that comes close in performance and value to Bot-Hositng.net. Heroku also allows you to host 5 different bots at the same time for free. Additionally, Heroku offers free SSL certificates which is great value since the service is fully free. The servers on Heroku perform quite well too, with an outstanding uprate of 99.8%.

Despite this, you may suffer from occasional performance tanking. This is because there are so many bots hosted that Heroku may occasionally undergo traffic spikes and therefore underperform. But as far as small to medium audience bots go, Heroku is another great free Discord bot hosting service.

Google Cloud/ Amazon EC2

There is little doubt that the massive names like Amazon and Google inspire a great deal of confidence in the users who are going to use it. However do keep in mind that while these services have no down time at all and their performance is impeccable, they are only free for up to one year. But you can easily use them endlessly by creating new accounts. These two, while only free for a year, are the best you can get for free.

3- What Should I Look for in a Service Provider?

I would say that the three most important things to keep track of when considering a service provider to host your Discord bots for free are uptime rate, tech support, and bandwidth. Lackluster performance in any of these categories could easily spell doom for your Discord bot, especially if you have a large audience.


Discord bots can potentially have massive audiences while being used in a vast array of servers. So make sure that if your bot hsa the potential to have such a user base, keep it running by hosting it on reliable hosting services whether free or paid.

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